Hi. Welcome to Dean Burnett’s website.
All the info you need about Dr Dean Burnett and his works can be found here via the relevant links. But, at the time of writing, you’ve probably found yourself here via the publicity surrounding Dean’s new book, Why Your Parents Are Hung Up On Your Phone And What To Do About It.
This is Dean’s sixth book, and the sequel to his wildly popular debut book for children and teens, Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up The Wall And What To Do About It. The new book presents the actual facts as we know them about how phones and modern tech and online culture affect young people, their development, their education, and the dynamic they have with their parents. But it’s written for young people and teens. Not about them. Which makes it very rare in the modern discourse. Possibly unique.
Anyway, do check it out. And if you’ve any question, get in touch! Or check out the relevant links for associated publicity and live appearances.
Dean is the author of the The Idiot Brain, The Happy Brain, Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up The Wall And What To Do About It, Psycho-Logical, Emotional Ignorance
His 6th book, Why Your Parents Are Hung Up On Your Phone And What To Do About It, was published September 19th, 2024, in the UK.
He is also a regular science pundit and contributor, a columnist for the BBC’s ‘Science Focus’ magazine, and blogger for The Cosmic Shambles Network.
Dean’s Books

Why Your Parents Are Driving You Up the Wall and What To Do About It
The book every teenager needs to read
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